Understanding Project 2025: A blueprint for new change

project 2025

What is Project 2025? What does it mean?

Project 2025 is also called the Presidential Transition Project. If the Republican Party wins the 2024 presidential election, the purpose of this plan is to change many things in the American government. Project 2025 is a set of policy proposals which is developed by the Heritage Foundation. Project 2025 outlines significant changes to government structure and policies with a focus on conservative values. Let’s break it down into simple parts to understand:

Key Objectives of Project 2025

  1. Reclassifying federal jobs: A main goal of Project 25 is to reclassify thousands of federal civil servant positions as political appointees. This would allow the new Republican president to replace these activists with loyal conservatives more in line with his objectives.
  2. Unitary Executive Theory: Project 2025 supports a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory. This interpretation of Article II of the Constitution states that the President must have complete control over the executive branch from the moment of his inauguration.

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What Changes Are Planned in Project 2025 ?

Government Departments:

  • Department of Justice (DOJ): Project 25 suggests reducing funding for the DOJ
  • FBI and DHS: It is proposed to abolish these agencies.
  • Environmental Rules: The plan aims to cut regulations on climate change in order to boost fossil fuel production.
  • Department of Commerce: The project recommends abolishing this department.
  • FCC and FTC: Ending the independence of agencies like the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Taxes and Trade:

  • Tax Cuts: They want to implement tax cuts but have mixed views on protectionism.


  • Department of Education: Project 2025 proposes to dismantle the department, transfer its programs to other agencies, or eliminate them altogether.

Healthcare and Social Issues:

  • NIH: They would reform the NIH (National Institutes of Health) along conservative lines and cut funding for climate research.
  • Abortion and Healthcare: The project 25 calls for rejecting abortion as a form of health care and ending the Affordable Care Act’s coverage of emergency contraception.
  • Christian Values: The government is being imbued with Christian values.

Cultural Changes:

  • Pornography: They want to make it illegal.
  • Discrimination: They want to remove laws that protect people from discrimination based on who they love or their gender.
  • Diversity Programs: They want to stop programs that promote diversity and fairness.

Controversies and Criticisms of Project 2025

Some people think Project 2025 is a bad idea. They worry it could give too much power to the president and take away some freedoms and rights. They also think it might break some important rules and make the government too controlled by one side.

Critics argue that Project 2025 is an authoritarian plan that could undermine the rule of law, separation of powers, and individual rights. Some experts believe it promotes Christian nationalism and could lead to autocratic rule. Additionally, the plan faces potential legal challenges and opposition from various groups, including some conservatives and Republicans.

Enforcement and law using military

The Washington Post reported that Jeffrey Clark, a contributor to the project, suggests using the military for domestic law enforcement by invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807. The project also supports strict immigration policies, including the arrest, detention, and deportation of undocumented immigrants, as well as promoting the death penalty.


Project 2025 represents a comprehensive effort by the Heritage Foundation to implement conservative policies in the U.S. federal government. Although it has received significant support in some political circles, it has also given rise to intense debate and criticism. As the 2024 presidential election approaches, the future of Project 2025 remains an important topic of discussion and analysis.

Now we need to see how Americans will view this and what the outcome of the election will be.

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